instagram akp_如何拍摄更好的Instagram照片-编程知识网

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instagram akp_如何拍摄更好的Instagram照片-编程知识网

Instagram is one of the most popular social networks in the world. It’s a place where you can share photos you’ve taken, pictures from the lifestyle you (want people to think you) lead, and much more. While a lot of people are happy to share any old meme on Facebook and other social networks, they’re often far more careful with what posts make it to their Instagram account. With this in mind, let’s look at how to take great photos for Instagram.

Instagram是世界上最受欢迎的社交网络之一。 在这里,您可以分享自己拍摄的照片,您(希望人们认为您)过着的生活方式的照片等等。 尽管很多人很乐意在Facebook和其他社交网络上分享任何旧的模因,但他们通常会更加谨慎地将哪些帖子发布到其Instagram帐户中。 考虑到这一点,让我们看看如何为Instagram拍摄出色的照片。

使用所有可用的工具 (Use All the Tools Available to You)

Instagram started out as a filter app and then grew into a social network. When all smartphones were capable of taking was low resolution photos, putting a dramatic filter on top made everything look a lot more…interesting. The photos might not necessarily have looked good, but at least they didn’t look like a blurry mess taken with a bad digital camera.

Instagram最初是作为过滤器应用程序,后来发展为社交网络。 当所有智能手机都能够拍摄低分辨率的照片时,在其上方放一个戏剧性的滤镜会使一切看起来都更加有趣。 这些照片可能不一定看起来不错,但至少它们看起来不像是用不良数码相机拍摄的模糊混乱。

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Now, though, things are different. Instagram is, first and foremost, a social network. Instagram still has a built-in camera, 40 filters, and basic editing tools, but it’s been surpassed by other apps in terms of photography. It’s perfectly possible to take a photo within Instagram, edit it using the tools there, and post it straight away, but it won’t always give you the best results.

但是,现在情况有所不同。 首先,Instagram是一个社交网络。 Instagram仍然具有内置相机,40个滤镜和基本的编辑工具,但在摄影方面,它已被其他应用超越。 完全有可能在Instagram中拍照,使用那里的工具对其进行编辑并立即发布,但这并不能始终为您带来最佳效果。

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If you’re taking great photos with your DSLR and editing them nicely in Photoshop, post those to your Instagram account. If you want to stick with your phone, you can use more advanced editing apps like Snapseed and VSCO Cam to get the most from your photos. You can even use camera apps like Manual that give you control over shutter speed, ISO and exposure. Especially if you’re going #nofilter, these will ensure your photos look as good as possible.

如果您要用数码单反相机拍摄出色的照片并在Photoshop中很好地进行编辑,请将这些照片发布到您的Instagram帐户中。 如果您想坚持使用手机,可以使用更高级的编辑应用程序(例如Snapseed和VSCO Cam)来充分利用照片。 您甚至可以使用相机应用程序(例如手动)来控制快门速度,ISO和曝光。 特别是如果您要使用#nofilter,这些可以确保您的照片看起来尽可能的好。

拍好照片开始 (Take Good Pictures to Begin With)

If you want a great looking Instagram account, you need to take great photos. This means approaching them properly. Don’t just snap a quick selfie and expect it to be awesome, put some thought into it.

如果您想要一个漂亮的Instagram帐户,则需要拍照。 这意味着正确地接近它们。 不要只是快速拍照并期望它很棒,请考虑一下。

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The same is true of every other kind of photography. If you want to share photos from your hikes or your holidays, learn how to take good landscape and travel photos. As soon as you start making conscious decisions about what you’re photographing, your images will look a lot better.

其他所有类型的摄影作品也是如此。 如果您想分享远足或假期中的照片,请学习如何拍摄风景和旅行的照片。 一旦开始有意识地决定要拍摄的内容,您的图像就会看起来好很多。

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Generally, your photos will stand out more if you avoid clichés. It’s really really hard to take a good, original photo of a famous landmark like Times Square. However, if you do have a unique take on a clichéd idea, go for it. Sunset photos are incredibly popular and incredibly generic on Instagram, but if you put the effort into making yours stand out, it will set your account apart.

通常,如果避免陈词滥调,您的照片会更加突出。 拍摄时代广场等著名地标的原始照片确实非常困难。 但是,如果您确实对陈词滥调有独特的看法,那就去吧。 日落照片在Instagram上非常受欢迎和通用,但是如果您努力使自己的照片脱颖而出,它将使您的帐户与众不同。

了解您的照片在Instagram上的显示方式 (Understand How Your Photos Will Appear on Instagram)

Instagram is very limited in how it displays your photos. It shrinks and compresses them.

Instagram在显示照片方面非常受限制。 它会收缩并压缩它们。

At their largest, Instagram photos are 1080px by 1080px square images. That is not a lot of pixels to play with. For comparison, the photos captured by my iPhone 6S are 4032px by 3024px.

Instagram照片最大尺寸为1080px x 1080px正方形图像。 这不是很多像素可玩。 为了进行比较,我的iPhone 6S捕获的照片为4032px x 3024px。

Instagram posts are also meant to be displayed on a mobile screen (though some people will see them on the desktop via Facebook, Twitter, or other networks). At most, those mobile images will be about two and a half to three inches wide. This means that a lot of small, fine detail may not be visible, or at least, won’t look great. If someone visits your profile, they’ll see your images at an even smaller size in the three photo wide grid.

Instagram帖子也应显示在移动屏幕上(尽管有些人会通过Facebook,Twitter或其他网络在桌面上看到它们)。 这些移动图像最多将只有两分之三到三英寸宽。 这意味着许多细小的细节可能看不到,或者至少看起来不太好。 如果有人访问您的个人资料,他们会在三张照片宽的网格中看到尺寸更小的图像。

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Although the default crop is still a square, Instagram now supports portrait and landscape orientation images. For photos in portrait orientation, the largest aspect ratio you can have is 4:5. For photos in landscape orientation you’ve got a bit more leeway; the largest aspect ratio is a little under 2:1.

尽管默认作物仍然是正方形,但Instagram现在支持纵向和横向图像。 对于纵向照片,最大纵横比为4:5。 对于横向拍摄的照片,您还有更多余地。 最大的长宽比略低于2:1。

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Most cameras, including smartphones, take images in a 3:2 (or 4:3) ratio. For landscape images, this works fine, but it means that any portrait images you upload will have to be cropped, at least a little. Above, you can see a 2:3 portrait image with a potential 4:5 crop drawn over the top in pink. Keep this in mind as you shoot.

大多数相机(包括智能手机)以3:2(或4:3)的比例拍摄图像。 对于风景图像,这可以正常工作,但是这意味着您上传的所有肖像图像都必须被裁剪掉,至少要少一点。 在上方,您可以看到2:3的人像图像,顶部可能会以粉红色绘制4:5的裁剪图像。 拍摄时请记住这一点。

将您的帐户设为您的 (Make Your Account Yours)

Finally, you should make your Instagram images personal. It doesn’t matter whether you post photos or quotes or videos, but the best ones will be true to who you are. For all my talk of good photos, if you just like sharing the outfit you’re wearing today (#ootd) or silly selfies, go right ahead. It’s your account and only you can really decide what’s right for it.

最后,您应该将自己的Instagram图片设为个人。 您发布照片,报价或视频都没有关系,但是最适合您的是谁。 就我所讲的照片而言,如果您只想分享今天穿的衣服(傻瓜)或愚蠢的自拍照,那就继续吧。 这是您的帐户,只有您才能真正决定最适合的帐户。


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