
  • 常用分类
      • 核心网网元功能
      • 物理信道及信号(包括sidelink)
      • 协议栈分层
      • 无线网络临时标识符(RNTI)
  • 首字母顺序分类
      • \#
      • A
      • B
      • C
      • D
      • E
      • F
      • G
      • H
      • I
      • J
      • K
      • L
      • M
      • N
      • O
      • P
      • Q
      • R
      • S
      • T
      • U
      • V
      • W
      • X
      • Y
      • Z



ITU(International Telecommunication Union),国际电信联盟

3GPP(3rd Generation Partnership Project),5G的技术标准制定者

5GC: 5G Core Network ,5G核心网

C-RAN:C 不只一个含义。一种新型无线接入网。C-RAN是基于集中化处理(Centralized Processing),协作式无线电(Collaborative Radio)和实时云计算构架(Real-time Cloud lnfrastructure)的绿色无线接入网构架(Clean system)。

D-RAN:Distributed RAN,分布式无线接入网。


TS 23.501

AMF: Access and Mobility Management Function ,接入和移动性管理功能

SMF: Session Management Function ,会话管理功能

UPF: User Plane Function,用户面功能

AUSF:Authentication Server Function,认证服务器功能 (鉴权服务功能)

PCF:Policy Control Function,策略控制功能

NRF:Network Repository Function,网络存储功能

NEF:Network Exposure Function,网络开放功能

UDM:Unified Data Management,统一数据管理

UDR:Unified Data Repository,统一数据存储

UDSF:Unstructured Data Storage Network Function ,非结构化数据存储功能

NSSF:Network Slice Selection Function,网络切片选择功能


TS 38.211

PUSCH:Physical Uplink Shared Channel,物理上行共享信道

PUCCH:Physical Uplink Control Channel,物理上行控制信道

PRACH:Physical Random Access Channe,物理随机接入信道

PDSCH:Physical Downlink Shared Channel,物理下行共享信道

PDCCH:Physical Downlink Control Channel,物理下行控制信道)

PBCH:Physical Broadcast Channel,物理广播信道

DM-RS:Demodulation reference signals,解调参考信号

PT-RS:Phase-tracking reference signals,相位跟踪参考信号

PRS:Positioning reference signal,定位参考信号

SRS:Sounding reference signal,探测参考信号

CSI-RS:Channel-state information reference signal,信道状态信息参考信号

PSS:Primary synchronization signal,主同步信号

SSS:Secondary synchronization signal,辅同步信号

S-PSS:Sidelink primary synchronization signal

S-SSS:Sidelink secondary synchronization signal

PSSCH: Physical Sidelink Shared Channel

PSBCH:Physical Sidelink Broadcast Channel

PSCCH:Physical Sidelink Control Channel

PSFCH:Physical Sidelink Feedback Channel


NAS:Non-Access Stratum,非接入层


SDAP: Service Data Adaptation Protocol,业务(服务)数据适配协议

RRC:Radio Resource Control,无线资源控制

PDCP:Packet Data Convergence Protocol,分组数据汇聚协议

RLC:Radio Link Control,无线链路控制

MAC: Medium Access Control,介质(媒体)访问控制



原文链接(英文):5G NR Radio Network Temporary Identifier (RNTI) – Techplayon

中文:5G RNTI介绍 – 知乎 (zhihu.com)

RNTI:Radio Network Temporary Identifier,无线网络临时标识符

下列来自TS 38.321

  • SI-RNTI : System Information RNTI,系统信息RNTI
  • P-RNTI: Paging RNTI,寻呼RNTI
  • RA-RNTI:Random Access RNTI,随机存取RNTI
  • TC-RNTI:Temporary Cell RNTI,临时小区RNTI
  • CS-RNTI:Configured Scheduling RNTI,配置调度RNTI
  • TPC-RNTI:Transmit Power Control – RNTI,发射功率控制RNTI。用于上行功率控制。TPC-RNTI有三种类型,即TPC-PUSCH-RNTI、TPC-PUCCH-RNTI和TPC-SRS-RNTI。
  • MCS-C-RNTI:Modulcation Coding Scheme Cell RNTI
  • INT-RNTI:Interruption RNTI
  • SFI-RNTI:Slot Format Indication RNTI
  • SP-CSI-RNTI:Semi-Persistent CSI RNTI

此外 TS 38.300第8节,涉及到了更多的RNTI

AI-RNTI:identification of the DCI carrying availability indication for soft symbols of an IAB-DU

CI-RNTI:identification of cancellation in the uplink,取消上行链路的标识。

I-RNTI:Inactive RNTI。used to identify the UE context in RRC_INACTIVE,在RRC_INACTIVE中UE上下文的标识

PS-RNTI:Power Saving RNTI。used to determine if the UE needs to monitor PDCCH on the next occurrence of the connected mode DRX on-duration,用于确定UE是否需要在下次出现连接模式DRX开启持续时间时监视PDCCH。

G-RNTI:Group RNTI。 Identifies dynamically scheduled transmissions of MTCH(s)

G-CS-RNTI:Group Configured Scheduling RNTI。Identifies configured scheduled transmissions of MTCH(s)

MCCH-RNTI:Identifies transmissions of MCCH and MCCH change notification.



  • 3GPP(3rd Generation Partnership Project),5G的技术标准制定者
  • 5GC: 5G Core Network ,5G核心网
  • 5QI:5G QoS Identifier,5G中的QoS等级标识。与QCI类似。TS 23.501定义
  • 5GS:5G System,5G系统
  • 5G-GUTI (5G Globally Unique Temporary UE Identity ):5G全局唯一的临时UE标识,5G系统下使用5G-GUTI的目的是减少在通信中显示使用UE的永久性标识,提升安全性。


  • A-CSI:Aperiodic CSI,非周期CSI
  • AA: Antenna Array ,天线阵列
  • AAS: Active Antenna System,有源天线系统
  • AAU:Active Antenna Unit,有源天线单元
  • AAT – Antenna array tool,天线阵列工具
  • ACL: Access Control List,访问控制列表
  • ACP: Adjacent channel power,邻道功率
  • ACS: Adjacent Channel Selectivity, 邻道选择性
  • ACPR:Adjacent channel power ratio,邻道功率比
  • ACLR: Adjacent channel leakage ratio, 邻道泄漏比
  • AFRCN:Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number,绝对射频信道号
  • AMC:Adaptive Modulation and Coding,自适应调制和编码
  • AMF:Access and Mobility Management Function ,接入和移动性管理功能
  • AoA: Angle of Arrival,到达角度测距
  • ARP:Allocation and Retention Priority,分配和保留优先级
  • AMBR:Aggregated Maximum Bit Rate,聚合最大比特速率
  • AI-RNTI:identification of the DCI carrying availability indication for soft symbols of an IAB-DU
  • AKA:Authentication and Key Agreement,身份验证与密钥协议
  • AWG:Arbitrary waveform generator
  • AWGN:Additive White Gaussian Noise,加性高斯白噪声
  • AUSF:Authentication server function,认证服务器功能 (鉴权服务功能)


  • BA:Bandwidth Adaptation,带宽适配
  • BBU:Building Base band Unit,基带处理单元
  • BCCH:Broadcast Control Channel,广播控制信道
  • BCH:Broadcast Channel,广播信道
  • BFD:Beam Failure Detection ,波束故障检测
  • BH:Backhaul ,回传
  • BL:Bandwidth reduced Low complexity
  • BPSK:Binary Phase Shift Keying,二进制相移键控
  • BS: Base Station,基站
  • BW: Bandwidth,带宽
  • BWP: Bandwidth part,部分带宽


  • C-RAN:C 不只一个含义。一种新型无线接入网。C-RAN是基于集中化处理(Centralized Processing),协作式无线电(Collaborative Radio)和实时云计算构架(Real-time Cloud lnfrastructure)的绿色无线接入网构架(Clean system)。
  • C-RNTI:Cell-Radio Network Temporary Identifier,小区无线网络临时标识
  • CA: Carrier Aggregation,载波聚合
  • CACLR: Cumulative ACLR,累积ACLR
  • CAG:Closed Access Group,封闭接入组
  • CAPC:Channel Access Priority Class,信道访问优先级
  • CBG: Code block group,代码块组
  • CBRA:Contention Based Random Access ,基于竞争的随机接入
  • CFRA:Contention Free Random Access,基于非竞争的随机接入
  • CCE:Control Channel Element,控制信道元素
  • CD-SSB:Cell Defining SSB
  • CG:Configured Grant,配置授权
  • CGI: Cell Global Identifier,小区全球标识
  • CHO:Conditional Handover,条件切换
  • CIoT: Cellular Internet of Things ,蜂窝物联网
  • CI-RNTI:identification of cancellation in the uplink,取消上行链路的标识。
  • CLI:Cross Link interference,交叉链路干扰
  • CM:Connection Management 连接管理
  • CMAS:Commercial Mobile Alert Service,商用移动预警服务
  • CORESET:Control Resource Set,控制资源集
  • CP:Cyclic Prefix,循环前缀
  • CP: Control Plane,控制平面
  • CP-OFDM: Cyclic Prefix-OFDM
  • CPC:Conditional PSCell Change,条件式PSCell更换
  • CPE: Common Phase Error,公共相位误差
  • CPRI: Common public radio interface,通用公共无线接口
  • CQI:Channel Quality Indicator,信道质量指示
  • CRB:Common Resource Block,公共资源块
  • CRC: Cyclic redundancy check,循环冗余校验
  • CS-RNTI:Configured Scheduling RNTI,配置调度RNTI
  • CSI:Channel state information,信道状态信息
  • CSI-RS: CSI reference signal ,CSI参考信号
  • CSS: Common search space,公共搜索空间
  • CU:Centralized Unit,集中单元
  • CUPS: Control user plane separation,控制与用户平面分离
  • CW: Continuous Wave,连续波


  • D-RAN:Distributed RAN,分布式无线接入网。
  • D2D:Device-to-Device,终端直通
  • DAI: Downlink assignment index,下行分配索引
  • DAG:Directed Acyclic Graph,有向无环图
  • DAPS:Dual Active Protocol Stack, 双激活协议栈
  • DC:Dual Connectivity,双连接
  • DCI:Downlink Control Information,下行控制信息
  • DCP:DCI with CRC scrambled by PS-RNTI
  • DFT:Discrete Fourier Transform ,离散傅立叶变换
  • DFT-s-OFDM: Discrete Fourier Transform-spread-OFDM
  • DL: Downlink,下行链路
  • DL-AoD:Downlink Angle-of-Departure,下行离开角
  • DL-SCH:Downlink Shared Channel,下行共享信道
  • DL-TDOA:Downlink Time Difference Of Arrival ,下行到达时差
  • DMRS:Demodulation Reference Signal ,解调参考信号
  • DRX:Discontinuous Reception,非连续接收
  • DSS:Dynamic Spectrum Sharing,动态频谱共享
  • DU:Distributed Unit,分布单元


  • E-CID:Enhanced Cell-ID (positioning method) ,基于Cell ID的增强定位技术
  • EHC:Ethernet Header Compression,以太网头部压缩
  • EIS: Equivalent Isotropic Sensitivity ,等效各向同性灵敏度
  • EIRP: Effective Isotropic Radiated Power,有效各向同性辐射功率
  • eMBB:Enhance Mobile Broadband,增强移动宽带
  • EN-DC: E-UTRAN New Radio – dual connectivity
  • EPC: Evolved Packet Core,演进的分组核心网,4G核心网
  • EPS:Evolved packet system
  • ETWS:Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System,地震和海啸预警系统
  • E-UTRAN – Evolved UMTS terrestrial radio access network,4G接入网
  • EVM: Error Vector Magnitud,误差向量幅度


  • FBMC:Filter bank multicarrier,滤波器组多载波
  • FBW: Fractional Bandwidth,部分带宽
  • FCW:Forward Collision Warning,前方碰撞预警系统;
  • FDD:Frequency division duplex,频分双工
  • FDM:Frequency division Multiplexing,频分复用
  • FN-RG: Fixed Network Residential Gateway
  • FR: Frequency Range,频率范围
  • FRC:Fixed Reference Channel
  • Fronthaul:前传
  • FS:Feature Set,特征集
  • FSA ID:Frequency Selection Area Identity,频率选择区域标识


  • G-RNTI:Group RNTI。 Identifies dynamically scheduled transmissions of MTCH(s)
  • G-CS-RNTI:Group Configured Scheduling RNTI。Identifies configured scheduled transmissions of MTCH(s)
  • GBR:Guaranteed Bit Rate,保证比特率。
  • GFBR:Guaranteed Flow Bit Rate,保证流比特率
  • GIN:Group ID for Network selection
  • GSO:Geosynchronous Orbit,地球同步轨道
  • GSCN: Global Synchronization Channel Number,全球同步信道号
  • GSM: Global System for Mobile communications,全球移动通信系统


  • H-SFN:Hyper System Frame Number ,系统超帧号
  • HAPS:High Altitude Platform Station ,高空平台
  • HARQ: Hybrid automatic repeat request
  • HARQ-ACK: Hybrid automatic repeat request acknowledgement
  • HRNN:Human-Readable Network Name
  • HFC: Hybrid Fiber-Coax,光纤同轴混合网
  • HV:host Vehicle,本端车辆。后车,与RV对应。


  • INT-RNTI:Interruption RNTI
  • I-RNTI:Inactive RNTI。used to identify the UE context in RRC_INACTIVE,在RRC_INACTIVE中UE上下文的标识
  • IAB:Integrated Access and Backhaul ,集成无线接入和回传
  • ICS: In-Channel Selectivity
  • IE: Information element
  • IFRI:Intra Frequency Reselection Indication
  • ITU:International Telecommunication Union,国际电信联盟
  • ITU-R: Radiocommunication Sector of the International Telecommunication Union




  • LA: Local Area ,本地区域

  • LDPC:Low Density Parity Check ,低密度奇偶校验

  • LEO:Low Earth Orbit,近地轨道

  • LNA:Low Noise Amplifier,低噪声放大器


  • MAC: Medium Access Control,介质(媒体)访问控制
  • Massive MIMO,大规模MIMO
  • MANO:Management and Orchestration,管理与编排
  • MBS: Multicast/Broadcast Service ,组播/广播服务
  • MBR:Maximum Bit Rate。最大比特率
  • MC:Multicarrier,多载波
  • MCC: Mobile country code,移动国家代码
  • MCCH:MBS Control Channel
  • MCCH-RNTI:Identifies transmissions of MCCH and MCCH change notification
  • MCS: Modulation and Coding Scheme,调制和编码方案
  • MCS-C-RNTI:Modulcation Coding Scheme Cell RNTI
  • MCE:Measurement Collection Entity
  • MCG:Master CellGroup,主小区组
  • MDBV:Maximum Data Burst Volume
  • MeNB:Master eNB
  • MEO:Medium Earth Orbit
  • MEC:Multi-access edge computing,多接入边缘计算
  • MFBR:Maximum Flow Bit Rate ,最大流比特率
  • MgNB:Master gNB
  • MIB:Master Information Block ,主信息块
  • MICO:Mobile Initiated Connection Only
  • MIMO:Multiple-input / multiple-output,多输入多输出
  • mMTC:Massive Machine Type Communication,海量机器通信
  • MMTEL:Multimedia telephony
  • MN:Master Node,主基站或者锚点站。MeNB以及MgNB。
  • MNC: Mobile network code,移动网络代码
  • MNO:Mobile Network Operator
  • MPE:Maximum Permissible Exposure
  • MR:Medium Range,中程
  • MRB:MBS Radio Bearer
  • MT:Mobile Termination ,移动终端
  • MTCH:MBS Traffic Channel
  • MTSI Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS
  • MU:Measurement uncertainty
  • MU-MIMO:Multi User MIMO
  • Multi-RTT:Multi-Round Trip Time
  • MUSA:Multi User Shared Access,多用户共享接入。中兴提出
  • MUSIM:Multi-Universal Subscriber Identity Module


  • NAS:Non-Access Stratum,非接入层
  • NB-IoT: Narrow Band Internet of Things ,窄带物联网
  • NCD-SSB:Non Cell Defining SSB
  • NCGI:NR Cell Global Identifier ,NR 小区全局标识符
  • NCR:Neighbour Cell Relation ,邻区关系
  • NCRT:Neighbour Cell Relation Table ,邻区关系表
  • NDI: New Data Indicator
  • NEF:Network Exposure Function,网络开放功能
  • NE-DC: E-UTRA NR dual connectivity with MCG using NR and SCG using E-UTRA
  • NFTF:Near-field to far-field transform
  • NFV:Network Functions Virtualization,网络功能虚拟化
  • NFVI:NFV Infrastructure,网络功能虚拟化基础设施
  • NFVO:NFV Orchestration,网络功能虚拟化编排器
  • NGAP:NG Application Protocol ,NG应用协议
  • NGC/NGCN: Next Generation Core / Next Generation Core Network
  • NGSO:Non-Geosynchronous Orbit ,非地球同步轨道
  • NID:Network Identifier ,网络标识符
  • NOMA:Non-orthogonal Multiple Access,非正交多址接入
  • NPN:Non-Public Network ,非公共网络
  • NR:NR Radio Access ,NR无线接入
  • NR-ARFCN: NR Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number,NR绝对射频信道号
  • NR-DC: NR NR dual connectivity
  • NRF:Network repository function,网络存储功能
  • NSSF:Network Slice Selection Function,网络切片选择功能
  • NSSMF:Network Slice Subnet Management Function,网络切片子网管理功能
  • NTN:Non-Terrestrial Network,非陆地网络


  • OAM:Operation Administration and Maintenance,操作维护管理。根据运营商网络运营的实际需要,通常将网络的管理工作划分为3大类:操作、维护、管理。
  • OBU:On board Unit,车载单元
  • OBUE: Operating Band Unwanted Emissions
  • OCC: Orthogonal Covering Code,正交覆盖码
  • OFDM: Orthogonal frequency division multiplex,正交频分复用
  • OOB: Out-of-band
  • OSDD: OTA Sensitivity Directions Declaration
  • OTA:Over-the-air
  • OTN:OpticalTransportNetwork,光传送网


  • P-MPR:Power Management Maximum Power Reduction
  • PBCH: Physical broadcast channel,物理广播信道
  • PCH:Paging Channel ,寻呼信道
  • PCI:Physical Cell Identifier, 物理小区标识
  • PCF:Policy control function,策略控制功能
  • PDC:Propagation Delay Compensation ,传播时延补偿
  • PDCP:Packet Data Convergence Protocol,分组数据汇聚协议
  • PDCCH:Physical Downlink Control Channel ,物理下行控制信道
  • PDSCH:Physical Downlink Shared Channel ,物理下行共享信道
  • PDMA:Pattern Division Multiple Access,图样分割多址接入技术,大唐公司提出
  • PEI:Paging Early Indication
  • PH:Paging Hyperframe ,寻呼超帧
  • PHR:Power Headroom Report 功率余量报告(5G功率余量PHR – 知乎 (zhihu.com))
  • PHY:Physical,物理层
  • PLMN:Public Land Mobile Network ,,公共陆地移动网络
  • PMI: Precoding matrix indicator
  • PNI-NPN:Public Network Integrated NPN ,集成于公网的专网
  • PO:Paging Occasion ,寻呼时机
  • PRACH:Physical Random Access Channel ,物理随机接入信道
  • PRB:Physical Resource Block ,物理资源块
  • PRG:Precoding Resource block Group ,预编码资源块组
  • PRS:Positioning Reference Signal, 定位参考信号
  • PS-RNTI:Power Saving RNTI。used to determine if the UE needs to monitor PDCCH on the next occurrence of the connected mode DRX on-duration,用于确定UE是否需要在下次出现连接模式DRX开启持续时间时监视PDCCH。
  • PSSCH: Physical Sidelink Shared Channel
  • PSBCH:Physical Sidelink Broadcast Channel
  • PSCCH:Physical Sidelink Control Channel
  • PSFCH:Physical Sidelink Feedback Channel
  • PSCell: Primary SCG Cell,SCG下中最主要的小区
  • PSS:Primary Synchronisation Signal ,主同步信号
  • PT-RS: Phase Tracking Reference Signal,相位跟踪参考信号
  • PTM:Point to Multipoint ,点对多点
  • PTN:Packet Transport Network,分组传送网
  • PTP:Point to Point ,点对点
  • PTW:Paging Time Window ,寻呼时间窗口
  • PUCCH:Physical Uplink Control Channel ,物理上行控制信道
  • PUSCH:Physical Uplink Shared Channel ,物理上行共享信道
  • PWS:Public Warning System,公共预警系统


  • QAM:Quadrature Amplitude Modulation ,正交幅度调制
  • QCI:QoS Class Identifier,QoS等级指示
  • QCL: Quasi co-location
  • QFI:QoS Flow ID
  • QM: QoE Measurement Collection, QoE 测量收集
  • QPSK:Quadrature Phase Shift Keying,正交相移键控
  • QoE:Quality of Experience ,体验质量
  • QoS:Quality of Service,服务质量


  • RA: Random Access ,随机接入
  • RA-RNTI: Random Access RNTI ,随机接入RNTI
  • RACH: Random Access Channel ,随机接入信道
  • RAN:Radio access network,无线接入网
  • RANAC: RAN-based Notification Area Code ,无线接入网通知区域码
  • RB: Resource Block,资源块
  • RDN: Radio Distribution Network,无线分发网
  • RE: Resource Element,资源元素
  • REC:Radio Equipment Control,无线设备控制
  • REG: Resource Element Group ,资源元素组
  • REFSENS: Reference Sensitivity,参考灵敏度
  • RF: Radio Frequency,射频
  • RI: Rank indicator,秩指示
  • RIB: Radiated Interface Boundary
  • RIM: Remote Interference Management ,远端干扰管理
  • RIM-RS: RIM Reference Signal,RIM参考信号
  • RLC:Radio Link Control,无线链路控制
  • RLM: Radio Link Monitoring ,无线链路监测
  • RMS: Root Mean Square (value)
  • RMSI: Remaining Minimum SI ,剩余最小SI
  • RNA: RAN-based Notification Area ,无线接入网通知区域(空口指示区域)
  • RNAU: RAN-based Notification Area Update ,无线接入网通知区域更新
  • RNTI: Radio Network Temporary Identifier ,无线网络临时标识符
  • RoAoA: Range of Angles of Arrival,到达角度范围
  • RQA: Reflective QoS Attribute
  • RQoS: Reflective Quality of Service
  • RRC:Radio Resource Control,无线资源控制
  • RRH:Remote Radio Head,射频拉远头
  • RRM: Radio resource management,无线资源管理
  • RRU:Remote Radio Unit,射频拉远单元
  • RS: Reference Signal ,参考信号
  • RSN: Redundancy Sequence Number
  • RSRP: Reference Signal Received Power ,参考信号接收功率
  • RSRQ: Reference Signal Received Quality ,参考信号接收质量
  • RSSI: Received Signal Strength Indicator ,接收信号强度指示
  • RSTD:Reference Signal Time Difference ,参考信号时间差测量
  • RTT:Round Trip Time,往返时间
  • RV:remote Vehicle,远端车辆。前车,对应HV
  • RX: Receiver


  • S-NSSAI: Single Network Slice Selection Assistance Information
  • S-PSS:Sidelink primary synchronization signal
  • S-SSS:Sidelink secondary synchronization signal
  • SBA: Service-based architecture,基于服务的架构
  • SCI: Sidelink control information
  • SCS: SubCarrier Spacing ,子载波间隔
  • SCG: Secondary Cell Group ,辅小区组
  • SCell:Secondary Cell,辅小区
  • SCMA :Sparse Code Multiple Access,稀疏码分多址接入。华为提出
  • SCTP: Stream Control Transmission Protocol,流控制传输协议
  • SD: Slice Differentiator
  • SDN:Software-defined networking,软件定义网络
  • SDAP: Service Data Adaptation Protocol ,业务数据适配协议
  • SDL: Supplementary Downlink,补充下行链路
  • SDT: Small Data Transmission ,小数据传输
  • SIB: System Information Block ,系统消息块
  • SIC: Successive Interference Cancellation,串行干扰消除
  • Sidelink:侧行链路或者直通链路。(翻译参考华为)
  • SI-RNTI: System Information RNTI ,系统信息RNTI
  • SISO: single input single output,单输入单输出
  • SFI-RNTI: Slot Format Indication RNTI
  • SFN: System frame number,系统帧号
  • SLA: Service Level Agreement ,服务级别协议
  • SMC: Security Mode Command ,安全模式命令
  • SMF: Session Management Function ,会话管理功能
  • SNIR:Signal-to-noise and interference ratio, 信噪比和干扰比,信噪改善比
  • SNPN: Stand-alone Non-Public Network
  • SNPN ID: Stand-alone Non-Public Network Identity
  • SN:Secondary Node,辅节点,辅基站。SeNB以及SgNB。
  • SeNB: Secondary eNB
  • SgNB: Secondary gNB
  • sPCell:special Cell,特殊小区
  • SP-CSI-RNTI:Semi-Persistent CSI RNT
  • SPS: Semi-Persistent Scheduling ,半持续调度
  • SR: Scheduling Request ,调度请求
  • SRAP: Sidelink Relay Adaptation Protocol
  • SRS: Sounding Reference Signal ,探测参考信号
  • SRVCC: Single Radio Voice Call Continuity
  • SS: Synchronization Signal ,同步信号
  • SSB: SS/PBCH block
  • SSS: Secondary Synchronisation Signal ,辅同步信号块
  • SST:Slice/Service Type ,切片/服务类型
  • SS-RSRP: Synchronization signal reference,同步信号参考信号接收功率
  • SS-RSRQ: Synchronization signal reference signal received quality,同步信号参考信号接收质量
  • SS-SINR: Synchronization signal signal-to- interference-plus-noise ratio,同步信号信干噪比
  • SU-MIMO: Single User MIMO
  • SUL: Supplementary Uplink,补充上行链路


  • TA: Timing Advance
  • TAB: Transceiver Array Boundary
  • TAC: Tracking Area Code ,跟踪区域码
  • TAI: Tracking Area Identity,跟踪区标识
  • TAE: Time Alignment Error
  • TAG: Timing advance group
  • TB: Transport Block ,传输块
  • TCI: Transmission Configuration Indicator,传输配置指示
  • TCE: Trace Collection Entity
  • TC-RNTI : Temporary Cell RNTI,临时小区RNTI
  • TDD:Time division duplex, 时分双工
  • TDM: Time Division Multiplexing,时分复用
  • TDL: Tapped Delay Line
  • TNL: Transport Network Layer ,传输网络层
  • TNAP: Trusted Non-3GPP Access Point
  • TNGF: Trusted Non-3GPP Gateway Function
  • TNLA: Transport Network Layer Association
  • TWAP: Trusted WLAN Access Point
  • TWIF: Trusted WLAN Interworking Function
  • TPC: Transmit Power Control ,发射功率控制
  • TRP: Transmit/Receive Point, 发送/接收点
  • TRS: CSI-RS for Tracking
  • TTI:Transmission time intervals,传输时间间隔
  • TPC-RNTI:Transmit Power Control – RNTI,发射功率控制RNTI。有下面三种。
  • TPC-PUCCH-RNTI :Transmit Power Control-PUCCH – RNTI
  • TPC-PUSCH-RNTI :Transmit Power Control-PUSCH – RNTI
  • TPC-SRS-RNTI : Transmit Power Control-Sounding Reference Symbols – RNTI
  • TX: Transmitter


  • UE:User Equipment,用户设备
  • U2N: UE-to-Network
  • UCI: Uplink Control Information ,上行控制信息
  • UDC: Uplink Data Compression ,上行数据压缩
  • UDN:Ultra-Dense Network,超密集组网
  • UDM:Unified data management,统一数据管理
  • UDR:Unified Data Repository,统一数据存储
  • UDSF:Unstructured Data Storage Network Function ,非结构化数据存储功能
  • UEM: Unwanted Emissions Mask
  • UE-Slice-MBR: UE Slice Maximum Bit Rate ,UE 切片最大比特率
  • UL:Uplink,上行链路
  • UL-AoA: Uplink Angles of Arrival ,上行到达角
  • UL-RTOA: Uplink Relative Time of Arrival ,上行相对到达时间
  • UL-SCH: Uplink Shared Channel ,上行共享信道
  • UP: User Plane ,用户平面
  • UPF: User Plane Function ,用户面功能
  • URLLC: Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications,超可靠低延迟通信
  • USS: UE-specific search space,UE 特定搜索空间
  • UTRA: Universal Terrestrial Radio Access


  • V2X: Vehicle-to-Everything
  • VIM:Virtual Infrastructure Manager,虚拟基础架构管理
  • VNF:Virtual Network Feature,虚拟网络功能
  • VNFM:VNF Manager,虚拟网络功能管理
  • VR: Virtual Reality ,虚拟现实


  • W-AGF: Wireline Access Gateway Function ,无线接入网关功能
  • WA: Wide Area
  • WUS: Wake Up Signal,唤醒信号


  • Xn-C: Xn-Control plane ,Xn控制平面
  • Xn-U: Xn-User plane ,Xn用户平面
  • XnAP: Xn Application Protocol,Xn应用协议



  • ZF: Zero Forcing

