

让大家都能开发出众的 App。 Swift 是一种强劲而直观的编程语言,它由 Apple 创造,可用来为 iOS、Mac、Apple TV 和 Apple Watch 开发 app。它旨在为开发者提供充分的自由。Swift 易用并且开源,只要有想法,谁都可以创造非凡。

Swift is a high-performance system programming language. It has a clean and modern syntax, offers seamless access to existing C and Objective-C code and frameworks, and is memory safe by default.

On December 3, 2015, the Swift language, supporting libraries, debugger, and package manager were published under the Apache 2.0 license with a Runtime Library Exception, and Swift.org was created to host the project.

苹果公司在WWDC 2014上宣布了他们将会推出一款新的编程语言,面向iOS和OS X系统的开发人员,这个新的语言被命名为Swift。

Swift在iOS 8发布的时候推向市场,用来取代 Objective-C 语言。 对于这个巨大的决定,苹果公司的解释是Swift速度更快,使用起来更加容易。 在Swift推出之后,苹果公司应该不会停止对 Objective-C 的支持,开发工具会同时支持两种语言。

在 Swift 开源后,开发者社区活跃。目前 CocoaPods 中有大量的第三方开发库已经支持 Swift。


  • 提交 PR – iOS-Swift-Demos
  • 加入 QQ群 32958950


  • Swift 开发者社区 – Swift.org

  • Swift 代码库

  • Apple developer 的 Swift 首页
    • Swift Blog
    • Swift Resources
    • Swift Playgrounds Learn Swift on iPad
  • 苹果公司官网的 Swift 页面
    • Xcode


  • 《The Swift Programming Language》- The Definitive Book
    • Web
    • ePub([官方](https://swift.org/documentation/TheSwiftProgrammingLanguage(Swift3.0.1).epub)
    • iBooks Store
  • 《App Development with Swift》
    • iBooks Store
  • 《Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C》
    • iBooks Store
    • Web
  • 《Swift Standard Library API Reference》

  • 《Start Developing iOS Apps》

  • 《API Design Guidelines》

  • 《Swift Programming Language Evolution》

  • WWDC2014 Videos


  • 《The Swift Programming Language》 社区译中文版


  • Stanford University: Developing iOS 9 Apps with Swift

  • Plymouth University: iOS Development in Swift



  • StackOverflow上的Swift讨论
  • github上的swift内容 search结果
  • Swift Cheatsheet
  • Swift & Cocoapods How to integrate Cocoapods into a vanilla Swift project
  • Swift Toolbox

  • Developing iOS Apps Using Swift Tutorial
  • 7 thoughts on “Swift: Not quite there, but too far gone too”
  • Swift Impressions by Evan Miller
  • Swift Tutorial – Developing iOS 8 Apps by Jameson Quave 很完整的学习文档

  • An Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Swift和Understanding Optionals in Swift by Amit Bijlani
  • Swift Cheat Sheet and Quick Reference by Ray Wenderlich
  • Generics in Swift
  • How to use the Swift REPL language shell – Swift programming from the command line
  • How to write a minimal WebKit browser in 30 lines of Swift
  • Swift Initializers
  • Create the Game of Life using Swift and SpriteKit
  • Composing functions in Swift
  • Advanced Swift

  • We ❤ Swift
  • LEARNABLE PROGRAMMING Designing a programming system for understanding programs
  • 把《The Swift Programming Language》读薄 by Hawstein


  • Swift Operators by Mattt Thompson
  • Beginning Core Image in Swift
  • Multiple Animations by David Rönnqvist
  • The Case for Message Passing in Swift by Michael Buckley
  • The Core Data stack in Swift by Marcus Zarra
  • How to Make a Game Like Candy Crush with Swift Tutorial: Part 1 and Part 2 by Matthijs Hollemans
  • Build custom simulators by Erica Sadun
  • CloudKit: Moves like Azure by Tom Harrington
  • about Error handling by Chris Cieslak
  • Inside Swift
  • List of implicitly defined variables in Swift 和 Swift Standard Library: Documented and undocumented built-in functions in the Swift standard library – the complete list with all 74 functions by practicalswift
  • Swift’s Weird Handling of Basic Value Types and AnyObject
  • Creation of pure Swift module by Alex Denisov. make a logging library and shows us how to document classes in Xcode.
  • How to write unit tests in Swift with XCTest
  • gesture recognizer
  • Swift Language Highlights: An Objective-C Developer’s Perspective
  • Swift Sequences and lazy evaluation


  • https://www.v2ex.com/go/swift
  • http://swift.sh
  • http://swift-china.org
  • CocoaChina的Swift讨论区
  • QQ群 iOS开发者-开始Swift,群号:32958950,申请时请说明身份。


  • 《The Swift Programming Language》中文版 (协作翻译))第一份完整的中文翻译

  • 《Apple Swift编程语言入门教程》比较早期的一篇翻译,最近没有更新


  • 《关于 Swift 的一点初步看法》 by onevcat
  • 《行走于 Swift 的世界中》 by onevcat 更详细的一篇评论
  • 《来自苹果的编程语言——Swift简介》


  • 《SwiftV课堂》 免费Swift学习视频
  • 《Apple Swift语言基础教程》极客学院



  • Lister: A Productivity App Built in Swift github

  • UICatalog: Creating and Customizing UIKit Controls in Swift apple / github

  • Adventure: Building a SpriteKit Game Using Swift apple / github

  • GestureRecognizers: Using standard UIGestureRecognizers in Swift github


  • Swift Trending

  • FlappySwift 用Swift实现的FlappyBird
  • swift-2048
  • PNChart-Swift 可以创建图表的库
  • Game of Life 一个游戏
  • swift-alarm 基于地理位置的提醒工具 blog
  • SwiftNote
  • 翻翻看 游戏翻翻看Swift版
  • HackerNews HackerNews网站的第三方客户端
  • SwiftWeather 一个天气客户端

  • SwiftSingleton
  • Swift: Spiroswiftograph a cool example of what you can do in the Playground

  • UIImageView-BetterFace-Swift 展示图片是加入面部识别,改善展示效果
  • YYHRequest-Swift 异步HTTP请求类

  • Noah’s Ark, in Swift is a funny example of unicode support
  • Cartography is an excellent example of what could be achieved with operator overloading. If you don’t like writing Autolayout constraints you should definitely check it out.
  • Dollar is a Swift library that provides useful functional programming helper methods without extending any built in objects. It is similar to Lo-Dash or Underscore in Javascript.
  • swifter Tiny http server engine written in Swift programming language.
  • SwiftyJSON
  • Agent Minimalistic Swift HTTP request agent for iOS and OS X


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xcode 6 安装系统要求为MacOSX 10.9.3+

  • http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dD2AJ3j

  • xcode_6.0.1.dmg http://pan.baidu.com/s/1sjNQY1B
  • xcode_6.dmg http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jGoTsWm_
  • xcode_6_beta_6.dmg http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dD3qeOT
  • xcode_6_beta_4.dmg http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pJ0nkJx
  • xcode_6_beta_3.dmg http://pan.baidu.com/s/1nt0WS8T


  • iOS Developer Library
  • Chris Lattner Swift设计者

  • iOS 7.1 to iOS 8.0 API Differences
  • App Extensions Increase Your Impact
  • Swift学习资源 Swift 学习资料汇总,比较详细总结了常用的资源。

因为重名躺枪的 Swift

  • Swift Lang 一门很专业的并行编程语言,有苹果在Swift页面的链接,肯定带过去很多访问量。
  • OpenStack Swift OpenStack Object Storage (Swift)。
  • Swift 聊天工具 基于XMPP的聊天工具及服务端SDK。

  • Taylor Swift 美国乡村音乐女創作歌手、吉他歌手、演员。这位1989年出生的美女获得过数不清的格莱美奖及其它排行榜大奖。2014/05/30刚举办了泰勒•斯威夫特“红”巡演上海演唱会。WWDC2014之后三天,她从Google搜索结果首页被挤出,很受伤,歌迷们也很受伤。去脸盆网关注她,去音悦台听她的歌。


  • 【iOS开发者-开始Swift】QQ交流群32958950 申请时请说明身份。
