
by James Hsu


隐藏在视线中的“未来”技术:人工智能 (“Future” Tech That’s Hiding in Plain Sight: Artificial Intelligence)

As hot as stories about artificial intelligence (AI), augmented/virtual reality (AR/VR), blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT) have been in recent months, we often can’t help but think of these technologies as a long way off from mainstream adoption.

最近几个月以来,关于人工智能(AI),增强/虚拟现实(AR / VR),区块链和物联网(IoT)的故事一直很热门,我们常常不禁将这些技术视为与主流采用相距甚远。

Movies like Ready Player One and Avengers: Infinity Wars only perpetuate this perception by mixing real technologies with fantasy, making the tech we wield in the real world seem primitive in the process.

像《 准备好玩家一号》和《 复仇者联盟:无限战争》这样的电影只能通过将真实的技术与幻想相结合来使这种感觉永存,从而使我们在现实世界中使用的技术在此过程中显得原始。

The reality, though?


AI, AR/VR, blockchain, and IoT are already playing an important role in our everyday lives, with countless examples hiding in plain sight.

人工智能,AR / VR,区块链和物联网已经在我们的日常生活中扮演着重要的角色,无数的例子被隐藏在眼前。

In this first article, we’re going to look at Artificial Intelligence (AI). Next up: Augmented Reality (AR). So let’s dive in.

在第一篇文章中,我们将介绍人工智能(AI) 。 接下来 :增强现实(AR)。 因此,让我们开始吧。

人工智能不是杀手机器人 (Artificial Intelligence is NOT Killer Robots)

In pop culture, AI is often represented as a highly-evolved and self-aware artificial “brain” in a robot capable of overthrowing the human race, as in Ex Machina or The Terminator movies.

在流行文化中,像Ex MachinaThe Terminator电影中一样,AI通常被表示为能够推翻人类的机器人中高度进化且具有自我意识的人造“大脑”。

In reality, AI is overwhelmingly beneficial to humans and is more often associated with software applications than with robots.


And it’s already here, in applications we use every day.


映射和拼车 (Mapping and Ridesharing)

Google Maps being able to predict your commute time or suggest the fastest possible way to work relies on machine learning (ML), a form of AI which leverages the vastness of historical trip data to make predictions or decisions. So too does Uber or Uber Eats, when it tells you the estimated time it will take for your chow mein to arrive.

Google Maps能够预测您的通勤时间或提出最快的工作方式取决于机器学习(ML) ,这是一种AI形式,可以利用大量历史旅行数据来做出预测或决策。 当Uber或Uber Eats告诉您估计的炒面所需的时间时,它也是如此。

What’s perhaps even more impressive is that Google is able to use computer vision (CV), another form of artificial intelligence, to “read” street signs in images captured by its Street View cars, and then use ML to keep Google Maps updated.

也许更令人印象深刻的是,谷歌能够使用另一种人工智能形式的计算机视觉(CV)来“读取”其“街景”汽车拍摄的图像中的路标 ,然后使用ML来更新Google Maps。

电子商务与客户服务 (Ecommerce and Customer Service)

By now, you’re probably aware that Amazon analyzes your shopping behavior on its website and shows you merchandise you’re the most likely to buy, based on past page browsing and purchase history. That’s ML/AI, too.

到目前为止,您可能已经知道,亚马逊会根据其过去的页面浏览和购买历史来分析您在其网站上的购物行为,并向您显示您最有可能购买的商品。 那也是ML / AI。

So too is the Seattle tech giant’s Alexa, an AI assistant that can do everything from control your home appliances to help you order another box of diapers from Amazon. (How convenient!)

西雅图科技巨头的人工智能助手Alexa也是如此,它可以做所有事情,从控制家用电器到帮助您从亚马逊订购另一盒尿布。 (多么方便!)

It’s not just Amazon that’s investing heavily in AI assistants; Microsoft, Google, and Apple are a few others who have introduced such AI personalities to the world as Cortana, Google Assistant, and Siri, respectively.

不仅仅是亚马逊在人工智能助手上进行了大量投资; 微软(Microsoft),谷歌(Google)和苹果(Apple)是其他一些将AI个性引入世界的人,例如Cortana,Google Assistant和Siri。

Machine learning algorithms are also being used to automate warehouse operations, allowing companies like Amazon to fulfill their lightning fast delivery expectations.


Businesses that must provide customer service or support are now turning to AI-enabled chatbots, which are capable of interacting with customers without human input. These chatbots allow businesses to provide a level of service that most customers find acceptable for routine inquiries, without having to employ a large workforce of customer service reps.

现在,必须提供客户服务或支持的企业正在转向支持AI的聊天机器人,该聊天机器人无需人工干预即可与客户进行交互。 这些聊天机器人使企业能够提供大多数客户认为可以接受的常规服务水平的服务,而不必雇用大量的客户服务代表。

约会与社交网络 (Dating & Social Networking)

The dating apps you (or your single friends) use are investing heavily into AI/machine-learning to provide even better matches for you to swipe left or right on.

您(或您的单身朋友)使用的约会应用程序正在AI /机器学习上投入大量资金,以向您提供更好的匹配,让您左右滑动即可。

Tinder, for example, began testing a new feature last year called “Super Likeable,” which uses AI-based matching to occasionally suggest four users it thinks you have a great chance to hit it off with, offering you a free “Super Like” to use on one of the four. (Using a “Super Like” increases a user’s likelihood of matching by three times, according to Tinder.)

例如,Tinder 去年开始测试一项名为“ Super Likeable”的新功能,该功能使用基于AI的匹配功能,偶尔会建议四个认为您很有机会实现这一目标的用户,向您提供免费的“ Super Like”在四个之一上使用。 (根据Tinder的说法,使用“超级喜欢”可将用户进行匹配的可能性提高三倍。)

Another ML feature in Tinder is the ability to have Tinder automatically use your best, most successful photos in an automated form of A/B testing. This is something which a competing service, OKCupid, has implemented as well. When OKCupid users are not using their most effective photos, the app alerts them so they can change to a better photo.

Tinder的另一个ML功能是让Tinder以自动化的A / B测试形式自动使用您最好,最成功的照片的功能。 这也是竞争服务OKCupid所实现的。 当OKCupid用户未使用其最有效的照片时,该应用程序会提醒他们,以便他们可以更改为更好的照片。

Dating apps (or even social networking apps, for that matter) that gain a mastery over machine learning algorithms will absolutely turn the industry on its head — imagine not having to swipe at all to meet your perfect match after your first month, because the app has learned exactly what you’re looking for.


运动中的高级分析 (Advanced Analytics in Sports)

Are you a fan of the NBA?


Computer vision (CV) and AI are becoming an important tool in every NBA team’s arsenal. Back in 2013, a company called SportsVu partnered with the NBA to provide six motion capture cameras in every NBA arena. The cameras generated data that was then able to be used to provide all kinds of machine learning-based observations that quickly proved superior to mere human observations.

计算机视觉(CV)和AI正在成为每个NBA球队武器库中的重要工具。 早在2013年,一家名为SportsVu的公司与NBA合作,在每个NBA舞台上提供了六个运动捕捉相机。 摄像机生成的数据随后可用于提供各种基于机器学习的观察结果,这些观察结果很快证明优于单纯的人类观察结果。

Today, a company called Second Spectrum has the rights to provide this rich motion capture data to every NBA team, and its services are a big reason why teams like the Golden State Warriors are all-in on “small ball” and three pointers.

今天,一家名为Second Spectrum的公司有权向每个NBA球队提供这种丰富的运动捕捉数据,其服务是诸如金州勇士队这样的球队全力以赴的“小球”和三分球的重要原因。

Major League Baseball (MLB) has been using artificial intelligence even longer than the NBA, as anyone who’s watched Moneyball probably knows. MLB teams use sabermetrics, or advanced in-game statistical data, to model game outcomes when using different lineups (such as pitchers), batting orders, or other tactics at a manager’s disposal.

正如观看Moneyball的人所知道的那样,美国职棒大联盟(MLB)使用人工智能的时间甚至比NBA更长。 当使用不同的阵容(例如投手),击球指令或其他可由管理人员使用的战术时 ,美国职业棒球大联盟的团队使用Sabermetrics或高级游戏内统计数据来模拟游戏结果。

音乐推荐 (Music Recommendations)

Going back to consumer applications, if you’ve ever used Spotify’s “Discover Weekly” feature, you’ve allowed (perhaps unwittingly) an AI to dictate your musical preferences. (Don’t feel bad, though — pretty soon, AI will tell us what to wear, eat, and do with our lives — and we’ll gladly listen!)

回到消费类应用程序,如果您曾经使用过Spotify的“每周发现”功能 ,则可以(可能是不经意地)允许AI指示您的音乐喜好。 (不过,不要感到难过-很快,AI会告诉我们穿什么,吃什么以及如何生活-我们很乐意听!)

避免杀手机器人 (Avoiding Killer Robots)

Any responsible overview of artificial intelligence should introduce the idea of technological singularity. This is the theoretical point at which super AI becomes capable of rapid self-improvement, such that it would no longer need humans and therefore could theoretically pursue our extinction.

任何负责任的人工智能概述都应介绍技术奇点 。 这是超级AI能够快速自我完善的理论点,因此它不再需要人类,因此从理论上讲可以灭绝我们。

So real is this possibility to some that Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, has gone on the record to say:

对某些人来说,这种可能性如此真实,以至于特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)记录下来说:

“With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon. You know all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water and he’s like, yeah, he’s sure he can control the demon? Doesn’t work out.”

“借助人工智能,我们正在召唤恶魔。 您知道所有这些故事,那里有那个穿着五角星和圣水的家伙,他在说,是的,他确定他可以控制恶魔? 没用。”

However, most experts agree that this is a scenario we won’t need to worry about with proper governance, and is not even likely to be in the cards until 2040–2050 at the earliest. (There’s no need to lock up your Roomba just yet.)

但是,大多数专家都认为,这是我们无需担心适当治理的情况,而且最早也要等到2040年至2050年才出现。 (现在还不需要锁定Roomba。)

Today and for the foreseeable future, AI is benign, pro-human, and is proving enormously valuable for companies that choose to implement it into their applications.


According to Harry Lee, CEO of CitrusBits, a leading mobile app development agency in Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area,

据位于洛杉矶和旧金山湾区的领先移动应用开发机构 CitrusBits的首席执行官Harry Lee 称 ,

“With regard to mobile apps, AI is one area in which we’re seeing massive interest. AI-enabled mobile apps are particularly interesting because anybody with a smartphone — even a 5 year old phone — running a well-developed app can tap into the wisdom of billions or trillions of data points from users who came before. That’s the beauty of cloud computing and AI.”

“在移动应用程序方面,人工智能是我们引起广泛关注的领域之一。 启用AI的移动应用程序特别有趣,因为任何拥有智能手机(甚至是5年历史的手机)​​的人,只要运行运行良好的应用程序,都可以利用之前用户提供的数十亿或数万亿数据点的智慧。 那就是云计算和AI的美丽。”

In Part Two of this series, we’ll explore how Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) are quickly becoming a modern reality, and we’ll discuss some of the most interesting applications today. So stay tuned!

在本系列的第二部分中,我们将探讨增强现实和虚拟现实(AR / VR)如何Swift成为现代现实,并且我们将讨论当今一些最有趣的应用程序。 敬请期待!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/future-tech-thats-hiding-in-plain-sight-artificial-intelligence-683cce8a7d7a/
