
Note : This content applies to those who have spent a good amount of frustrating time in remembering, correcting, copy-pasting passwords. The logic I built to overcome this is tried & tested for almost 3 years & (so far) it is working flawlessly.

注意:此内容适用于那些在记住,更正和复制粘贴密码上花费大量时间的人。 我为克服此问题而构建的逻辑经过了近3年的尝试和测试,并且(到目前为止)它一直在完美工作。

2020 has become a year of a pandemic, there are so many things of this year worth forgetting. That being said, we all should accept one fact — the jump seen individual’s digital presence is multi-fold. When I use the term ‘digital presence’, I don’t mean the amount of time spent on social media, it is about the increase in using various websites in a day to day life. Pandemic made non-tech people ‘go internet’ more commonly, which was not the case earlier, at least in the third world countries.

2020年已成为大流行的一年,今年有太多事情值得忘记。 话虽这么说,我们大家都应该接受一个事实-个人数字化存在的意义是多重的。 当我使用“数字存在”一词时,我并不是说花费在社交媒体上的时间就是在日常生活中使用各种网站的增加。 大流行使非技术人员更普遍地“上网”,至少在第三世界国家中,情况并非如此。

Let’s not hide another challenging (yet understated) fact — there are many more websites we require connecting to and remembering their passwords is a pain in the neck. And I am not talking about those ‘January@2020’ passwords here, I am talking about the weirdest L0nGRunn1ngP@55words. The problem with those long passwords is that you continue remembering it till it is ‘in use’ but later they just start ‘fading away’ from your memory.

我们不要掩盖另一个具有挑战性(但仍低估了)的事实-我们需要连接到更多的网站,并且记住它们的密码实在是令人头疼。 而且我这里不是在谈论那些“ January @ 2020”密码,而是在谈论最奇怪的L0nGRunn1ngP @ 55words。 这些长密码的问题在于,您会继续记住它,直到它被“使用”为止,但随后它们才开始从您的内存中“逐渐消失”。

And that is why the (infamous) ‘password managers’ exist, it is indeed a viable option. But then the troublesome part is these manager softwares generally stay on one device, they usually have some cost associated with it as well. Personally, I am not comprehended with an idea of having yet another password to recover a few more passwords. I also feel lazy to get the password from somewhere else and use it.

这就是(臭名昭著的)“密码管理器”存在的原因,这确实是一个可行的选择。 但是麻烦的部分是这些管理器软件通常都停留在一个设备上,它们通常也有一些相关的成本。 就我个人而言,我不理解拥有另一个密码来恢复更多密码的想法。 我也很懒惰从其他地方获取密码并使用它。

关于密码的丑陋真相 (Ugly Truth About Passwords)

Many of us are using the “Same Set” of passwords on multiple sites. Let me be the first person to accept it straight away, I had to do it and the reason for that was — well, I am a normal human & and I cannot remember 20+ different passwords. In some situations, I have forgotten those anyway, many a time I ended up applying one’s password to another site. For normal websites, this might be ok, but imagine you using a wrong password on a bank’s website, and ending up blocking yourself for an hour or a day, which was the most crucial time for the transaction to happen. But with my new logic in place, I have come out from all those issues & I do not use a common password paradigm anymore!

我们中的许多人在多个站点上使用“同一组”密码。 让我成为第一个立即接受它的人,我不得不这样做,其原因是-好吧, 我是一个普通人,并且我不记得20多个不同的密码 。 在某些情况下,无论如何,我还是忘记了那些密码,很多次我最终都将自己的密码应用到另一个站点。 对于普通网站,这可能没问题,但请想象一下,您在银行的网站上使用了错误的密码,并最终将自己封锁了一个小时或一天,这是进行交易的最关键时刻。 但是有了新的逻辑,我就摆脱了所有这些问题,并且不再使用通用的密码范例!

If anyone is managing to successfully remember all related passwords, he/she is following either of two approaches — First and the most favorite one : Write passwords down somewhere on paper or digitally ( or put it in a password manager ). The Second : Use the same set of passwords. The problem with ‘writing’ it down is, if you lose that note somewhere (hard copy or digital) you are into a deeper soup! If you maintain same password on multiple sites then one password leak may give intruder access to all other sites as well. Definitely, there is a ‘security’ concern associated in both the cases.

如果有人设法成功记住所有相关的密码,则他/她将采用以下两种方法之一-第一种也是最喜欢的一种方法:将密码写下来写在纸上或数字方式下(或放入密码管理器中)。 第二种:使用相同的密码集。 “记下”它的问题是,如果您在某处丢失了该笔记(纸质副本或数字副本),您将陷入困境! 如果您在多个站点上维护相同的密码,则一次密码泄漏也可能使入侵者也可以访问所有其他站点。 无疑,在两种情况下都存在“安全”问题。

那么我该如何记住密码? (So What I do to Remember Passwords?)

Few things one has to prepare before moving to this password approach –


  1. Create Raw Text : Create one single, long (9–14 characters), alphanumeric with special characters (preferably no @ or #) password. for example: Thi5passw0rd(135

    创建原始文本 :创建一个带有特殊字符(最好没有@或#)的单个长字母(9-14个字符)字母数字密码。 例如:Thi5passw0rd(135

  2. Create a Logic : Define a ‘definitive place’ within your password where you can insert a character, or set of characters related to a website you are logging into.

    创建逻辑 :在密码中定义一个“确定的位置”,您可以在其中插入一个字符或您登录的网站相关的一组字符。

Let me put this in an example, if I am to use the above approach, the password for website www.paypall.com will be — Thi5passw0rd(135pay. If I have an americannexpress.com login then the password will be — Thi5passw0rd#135ame. If you look at it carefully, all I am doing here is to append the first three characters of the website’s domain to my password. Now, this logic stays in your brain, no need to write it down. Look at the brighter side — hereafter you have to remember only two things : a complex long Raw Text & a single logic that applies to every website. Logic can be anything, the point to remember is it should be linked with the website domain.

让我举一个例子,如果我要使用上述方法,则网站www.paypall.com的密码将为— Thi5passw0rd(135pay。如果我具有americannexpress.com登录名,则密码将为— Thi5passw0rd#135ame如果仔细看,我要做的就是将网站域的前三个字符添加到我的密码中。现在,这种逻辑就在您的脑海中,无需写下来。以后你要记住只有两样东西:一个复杂漫长的原始文本及适用于每一个网站一个逻辑逻辑可以是任何东西,要记住的一点是它应与网站的链接。

好处 (Benefits)

Well, passwords are now different for every website & you are in a much better position to remember them. Website domains rarely change & the logic will help you log in every single time. If you still feel to write the password down, you can write Raw Text ( step 1 ) and can keep the logic in your mind. This way, if someone ends up getting hold of the Raw Text, he/she still will require further steps to crack the actual password.

好了,每个网站的密码现在都不同了,您可以更好地记住它们。 网站域名很少更改,其逻辑将帮助您每次登录。 如果您仍然想写下密码,则可以编写Raw Text(步骤1),并牢记逻辑。 这样,如果某人最终掌握了原始文本,则他/她仍将需要进一步的步骤来破解实际密码。

This approach has helped me a lot & I hope it helps everyone to resolve the password memorization crisis.


免责声明 (Disclaimer)

There’s really no such thing as an unbreakable password.


My idea behind having this logic is to make passwords complex & independent. Always make sure the final password is as complex as it could be.

我的想法是使密码复杂且独立。 始终确保最终密码尽可能复杂。

Someone may also suggest the use of common authentication provisions, like Google provides to use their authorisation to login on other websites (a.k.a Sign in with Google). I think of it as one big dependency on one type of authorization, besides I am not sure how Google will share the data with other sites. (This is my personal opinion, this topic is huge & may require a separate writeup to discuss)

有人可能还会建议使用常见的身份验证条款,例如Google提供了使用其授权登录其他网站(也称为“使用Google登录”)的建议。 我认为这是对一种授权的很大依赖,此外,我不确定Google如何与其他网站共享数据。 (这是我个人的观点,这个话题很大,可能需要单独撰写才能讨论)

关于我 (About Me)

I work in IT, and if I have to really count the passwords I have to maintain (both office and personal), then count goes beyond 50. I have a habit of checking blogs, do research & these days almost every website asks for registration. I prefer to read a lot & come up with my own version of understanding, and I try not to rely on one fixed logic. This is my maiden writup on Medium. I hope to continue writing, if I get another point worth sharing with everyone.

我在IT部门工作,如果我必须真正计算自己必须维护的密码(办公室和个人密码),则该数字已超过50。我有检查博客,进行研究的习惯,如今,几乎每个网站都要求注册。 我更喜欢阅读很多书,并提出了自己的理解版本,并且我尽量不要依赖一种固定的逻辑。 这是我在Medium上的处女作。 如果我还有值得与大家分享的观点,我希望继续写。

翻译自: https://medium.com/@maheshinfinity/this-is-how-i-resolved-my-password-memorization-crisis-264fecccff9e
