平均“命中率”是什么样的 (What an Average ‘Hit’ looks like)

Before we break the song down, let us have a brief analysis of what the greatest hits of all time had in common. I have picked 1500 songs ( charting hits ) right from the ’50s to the’10s, spread across all the popular genres ( Find the Spotify playlist here ).To keep things simple, let’s focus only on one key attribute: The Tempo

在分解歌曲之前,让我们简要分析一下有史以来最伟大的歌曲的共同点。 从50年代到10年代,我已经挑选了1500首歌曲(排行榜中的热门歌曲),分布在所有流行类型中(在此处找到Spotify播放列表)。为简单起见,我们只关注一个关键属性: The Tempo

Histogram (Tempo)直方图 (速度)

We can infer that most tracks fall in the 100–130 BMP range. However, it is still fairly spread out to draw any homogeneity. let’s see how the tempo varies while playing these tracks.

我们可以推断出大多数轨道都在100-130 BMP范围内。 但是,它仍然相当分散以得出任何同质性。 让我们看看在播放这些曲目时节奏如何变化。

播放速度变化 (Tempo Changes in the Playback)

For simplicity, we can also consider the x-axis as time

Every track is broken down into sections. Each line represents a track and how its tempo changes over its sections. We can see that almost all the tracks make a fairly straight line — i.e, the tempo remains constant throughout the track.

每个轨道都分为几部分。 每条线代表一个音轨以及其节拍如何在其各个部分中变化。 我们可以看到几乎所有的音轨都形成一条直线-即, 速度在整个音轨中保持恒定。

Histogram ( Tempo Standard Deviations for each track )直方图 (每个音轨的速度标准偏差)

Only 5 Tracks ( 0.4 % / plot in red ) were observed to have a standard deviation of more than 30 BPM — i.e They have significant tempo variation. These tracks are:

仅观察到5条音轨(红色为0.4%/图)的标准偏差超过30 BPM-即它们具有明显的速度变化。 这些轨道是:

  1. Forever Now, Green Day

    永远现在, 绿色的日子

  2. I Can’t Stop Loving You, Ray Charles

    我不能停止爱你, 雷·查尔斯

  3. I Hate U, I Love U, Gnash

    我讨厌你,我爱你, 纳什

  4. Isn’t She Lovely, Stevie Wonder

    她不是很可爱吗, 史蒂夫·旺德 ( Stevie Wonder)

  5. Bohemian Rhapsody, Queen ( Surprise Surprise )

    女王波希米亚狂想曲 (Surprise Surprise)

分解这些足迹 (Breaking these tracks down)

Let’s briefly look at the structure of the first 4 tracks using:


  1. Waveplot — Plots the amplitude over time.


  2. Spectrogram — Displays signal strength over time at the various frequencies present in a track.

    频谱图 —显示轨道中各种频率下随时间变化的信号强度。


We can observe a fair amount of repetition in the pattern. This accounts for the generic verse/chorus format most songs follow. Before we address that, let’s take a look at the spectrograms.

我们可以在模式中观察到相当多的重复 。 这说明了大多数歌曲都遵循的通用诗歌/合唱格式。 在解决这个问题之前,让我们看一下频谱图。

Spectrograms are good indicators of the genre of a song

We can draw a very similar observation here. Apart from the repeating patterns, the spread of frequencies remains almost consistent throughout the timescale, which also means that each track can be conclusively classified into one genre.

我们可以在这里得出非常相似的观察结果。 除重复模式外,频率分布在整个时间范围内几乎保持一致,这也意味着可以将每个轨道最终归为一类。

Almost all songs that reach the top of the charts use some variety of the verse/chorus format. A verse part leads into a repeating, climactic chorus with some kind of a build and release (the loud/quiet/loud idea). Take a few seconds and think of a song — — — — That one section that you started humming, the same part you sing to your friends when they ask “how does that song go again?” is called the Hook (Because it quite literally ‘hooks’ into your memory). All these elements carefully put together are a safe bet for a track to be a hit.

几乎所有排在排行榜顶部的歌曲都使用各种曲调/合唱格式。 一个诗句部分导致重复的,高潮的合唱,具有某种构建和释放(大声/安静/大声的想法)。 花费几秒钟的时间,想一首歌— — — —您开始哼唱的那一段,当您的朋友问“那首歌又如何?”时,您唱给朋友的那部分 被称为“ 挂钩” (因为它确实“钩”入了您的记忆)。 所有这些元素都经过精心组合,是确保曲目成功的可靠选择。

波西米亚狂想曲有何不同? (How is Bohemian Rhapsody Different?)


The Waveplot shows little to no signs of pattern repetition, the Spectrogram also displays a divergent spread of frequency distribution — which doesn’t follow the ‘generic hit formula’ of a verse/chorus format. This goes to uncover a rather unfamiliar structure that Bohemian Rhapsody carries, and that is exactly what makes it a masterpiece, the fact that it not a song but indeed a rhapsody.

Waveplot几乎没有显示出图案重复的迹象,频谱图还显示了频率分布的发散分布-不遵循诗歌/合唱格式的“通用命中公式”。 这就发现了波西米亚狂想曲所带有的一种相当陌生的结构, 这正是使它成为杰作的原因 它不是一首歌,而是一首狂想曲。

A Rhapsody is a piece of music that is meant to express different kinds of emotions and does not have a regular form. It is often classical and through-composed. Which means it has got no repeating sections.

狂想曲是一种音乐,旨在表达不同的情感,并且没有规则的形式。 它通常是经典的并且是贯穿整个过程的。 这意味着它没有重复的部分。

We can break it down into 5 distinct sections, each can be classified into a genre and posses its corresponding audio features.



Queen takes musical genres and analogies the audience is already familiar with and adapts them to the narrative of their songs. They also do the same with the structure, by taking the well-known format of the Hero’s Journey and adapt it into a song unlike anything else in the history of rock music. This combination is what makes the song instantly approachable, yet still exciting even after all these years. This is how a song as weird and disjointed as Bohemian Rhapsody became a huge charting hit and also proves to be emotionally resonant for decades to come.

皇后乐队采用音乐风格和类比,使听众已经很熟悉,并使其适应他们的歌曲叙事。 他们还采用了《 英雄之旅》的著名格式,并将其改编成与摇滚音乐历史上任何其他歌曲都不相同的歌曲,从而对结构进行了同样的修改。 这种结合使这首歌立即平易近人,即使经过了这些年,仍然令人兴奋。 这就是波西米亚狂想曲中那首怪异而脱节的歌曲如何成为热门唱片排行榜,并且在接下来的几十年中也被证明在情感上引起共鸣。

翻译自: https://medium.com/@purandare.sarang/what-makes-bohemian-rhapsody-a-masterpiece-a-data-science-perspective-3d9366d20550