
There are some great tools available to help webmasters with their SEO. Unfortunately, many of them require subscriptions and paying for them all can very expensive. However, there are also quite a lot of free tools available and many of the subscription services do offer valuable free tools as well. In this post, we’ll look at 8 of the most helpful and free SEO tools available.

有一些很棒的工具可以帮助网站管理员进行SEO。 不幸的是,它们中的许多都需要订阅,并且为它们付费都非常昂贵。 但是,也有很多免费工具可用,许多订阅服务也提供了有价值的免费工具。 在本文中,我们将介绍8种最有用和免费的SEO工具


1. Google PageSpeed见解 (1. Google PageSpeed Insights)

seo同义词替换在线工具_8个免费的网站管理员在线SEO工具-编程知识网 The speed of your website is an important SEO ranking factor. The faster your website, the better chance it has of ranking higher. Faster websites also retain users longer and have superior conversion rates.

You can easily check the loading speed of your site on desktop and mobile devices by using the free Google PageSpeed Insights Tool. Simply type in your URL and the tool will measure the loading time and performance of your site. The results give you a mark out of a hundred for each device, identify the things which slow your loading time and present you with a list of useful suggestions to make your site even faster.

您可以使用免费的Google PageSpeed Insights工具轻松检查桌面和移动设备上网站的加载速度。 只需输入您的URL,该工具即可衡量您网站的加载时间和性能。 结果为您在每种设备上打出百分,为您找出降低加载时​​间的问题,并为您提供了一系列有用的建议,以使您的网站变得更快。


2. (2.


When it comes to SEO, getting the right keywords is vital if you want your site to rank for the right searches. is a very useful little tool that provides you with up to 750 keyword ideas based on a single keyword.

当涉及到SEO时,如果您希望自己的网站为正确的搜索排名,那么获取正确的关键字至关重要。 Keywordtool.io是一个非常有用的小工具,可基于单个关键字为您提供多达750个关键字提示。

All you have to do is enter a keyword, such as ‘men’s shoes’ in the example above, and the tool will provide you with a detailed list of keywords and long-tail keywords to help you rank higher.


What’s particularly useful about this tool is that it finds keywords for particular types of searches. So, if you are looking for keywords that will do well on Google, you can narrow that down to find the best keywords for You can also search for the best keywords to use on a range of other sites such as Bing, Amazon, YouTube and the iTunes app store (each of these can be filtered by country too).

此工具特别有用的是,它可以为特定类型的搜索找到关键字。 因此,如果您正在寻找最适合Google的关键字,则可以缩小范围以找到的最佳关键字。 您还可以搜索在其他网站(例如Bing,Amazon,YouTube和iTunes应用商店)上使用的最佳关键字(每个关键字也可以按国家/地区进行过滤)。


3. Google Analytics(分析) (3. Google Analytics)

seo同义词替换在线工具_8个免费的网站管理员在线SEO工具-编程知识网 Google Analytics remains one of the most powerful free tools at the fingertips of any webmaster, giving you a complete oversight of the traffic you get to your site. There’s pretty much everything you need to help you understand how well your site is performing and where its weaknesses lie.

Google Analytics(分析)仍然是任何网站管理员都可以使用的最强大的免费工具之一,可让您全面监控访问您网站的流量。 您几乎需要采取所有措施来帮助您了解网站的运行情况以及其弱点所在。

Find out where your traffic comes from (location, device used and source), where they land, how long they stay, how they move from page to page, and which pages they exit from. You can track movement and dropout rates from landing pages to checkout pages and even set up goals to measure conversions and other events. Using Google Analytics is a no-brainer – there’s nothing else which is free that has anywhere near the capabilities.

找出您的流量来自何处(位置,使用的设备和来源),流量在何处,停留多长时间,它们如何在页面之间移动以及从哪些页面退出。 您可以跟踪着陆页到结帐页的移动和辍学率,甚至可以设置目标来衡量转化和其他事件。 毫无疑问,使用Google Analytics(分析)是没有什么免费的功能了。


4. Google Search Console (4. Google Search Console)


In conjunction with Google Analytics, you should also use Google Search Console, the webmaster tools it provides gives you highly detailed website analysis as well as important alerts and error reports.

结合使用Google Analytics(分析),您还应该使用Google Search Console ,它提供的网站管理员工具可为您提供高度详细的网站分析以及重要的警报和错误报告。

Google Search Console enables you to understand how well your site is indexed and whether there are any problems that prevent your pages being found; it gives you vital information about whether your site has been given a manual penalty, and provides a wide range of useful information including letting you know what search terms you rank for, what your rank is for each search term and your click through rates for those terms. Also useful for SEO, it shows you which other sites link to yours.

使用Google Search Console,您可以了解对网站的索引质量以及是否存在阻止您的网页被发现的任何问题; 它为您提供有关您的网站是否受到人工处罚的重要信息,并提供各种有用的信息,包括让您知道您对哪些搜索词进行排名,每个搜索词的排名以及对这些词的点击率条款。 它还对SEO很有用,它向您显示其他网站链接到您的网站。


5. Google趋势 (5. Google Trends)


Another excellent free tool from Google is Google Trends. This tool lets you compare up to four search terms to analyse changes in their search volumes over time. You can analyse over different periods of time, by location and by a range of other factors, too.

Google的另一个出色的免费工具是Google趋势 。 使用此工具,您最多可以比较四个搜索字词,以分析其搜索量随时间的变化。 您还可以根据位置和一系列其他因素来分析不同时间段。

Google trends can give you very powerful insights. If you were thinking of selling a new product and noticed that, year by year, the number of searches were getting smaller, then it would be a clear indication that the product’s popularity was on the decline. It can also throw up some surprising results. Looking at the image above, it’s obvious that far more men in the UK go shopping for shoes online than women. It also shows that they key term ‘kids shoes’ is searched for much more than ‘children’s shoes’ – all very helpful information to have for online businesses.

Google趋势可以为您提供非常有力的见解。 如果您想销售一种新产品,并且发现搜索量逐年减少,那么这显然表明该产品的受欢迎程度正在下降。 它还可能引发一些令人惊讶的结果。 从上图可以明显看出,英国男性网上购物的人数比女性多。 它还表明,他们对关键词“童鞋”的搜索远远超过了“童鞋”,这对于在线业务而言都是非常有用的信息。


6.相似网站 (6. SimilarWeb)


Sussing out the competition is an important SEO strategy for any online business. Some companies pay hundreds of pounds per month to use the powerful, in-depth competitor analysis tools that are available. If you are looking for a free tool, then SimilarWeb can be very useful.

停止竞争是任何在线业务的重要SEO策略。 一些公司每月要支付数百英镑才能使用功能强大,深入的竞争对手分析工具。 如果您正在寻找免费工具,那么SameWeb可能会非常有用。

Although you need the pro version to use all its features, the free tool let lets you compare two different websites at the same time, giving you detailed information about their ranking, traffic numbers and sources as well as various other insights into their analytics.



7.查找断开的链接 (7. Find Broken Links)

seo同义词替换在线工具_8个免费的网站管理员在线SEO工具-编程知识网 Having broken links on your website can affect your ranking because by sending users to error pages you are offering a poor user experience, which neither search engines or visitors like. Links to internal pages or external websites can be broken if content is removed or the URL is changed.

Manually, it would be difficult to keep track of external links and sometimes it’s not easy to remember all the internal links on your own website (links in images tend to be the main source of broken links). However, the Find Broken Links tool can find them for you automatically.

手动地,很难跟踪外部链接,有时候记住您自己网站上的所有内部链接也不容易(图像中的链接往往是断开链接的主要来源)。 但是,“ 查找断开的链接”工具可以自动为您找到它们。

All you have to do is type in the name of your homepage and leave it to run. It will crawl your entire site and provide you with a detailed list of every broken link it finds. You’ll then need to remove the broken links or replace them with working URLs.

您所要做的就是输入首页名称,然后继续运行。 它将抓取您的整个站点,并为您提供找到的每个断开链接的详细列表。 然后,您需要删除断开的链接或将其替换为有效的URL。


8. Copyscape (8. Copyscape)


Search engines have a serious dislike for duplicate content, so if another website has identical content to you, it may affect how well you rank. This is particularly important for eCommerce companies and bloggers.

搜索引擎非常讨厌重复的内容,因此,如果另一个网站拥有与您相同的内容,则可能会影响您的排名。 这对于电子商务公司和博客作者尤其重要。

eCommerce companies who simply cut and paste the product descriptions supplied from manufacturers may find that there are thousands of other websites with the same, word for word, content on their pages.


For bloggers, the problem is that content can be stolen. Another website wanting content on a subject you have written about can just copy it from your website onto theirs. It happens all the time.

对于博客作者而言,问题在于内容可能被盗。 想要有关您撰写的主题的内容的另一个网站可以将其从您的网站复制到他们的网站上。 它一直在发生。

Copyscape is an excellent tool for checking content duplication. Enter a URL for your website or blog and Copyscape will show you if the same content is found elsewhere.

Copyscape是检查内容重复的绝佳工具。 输入您的网站或博客的URL,如果在其他地方找到相同的内容,Copyscape将显示。


结论 (Conclusion)

As you can see from reading this post, there are many useful, free to use SEO tools for webmasters. They can help with everything from website analytics, to keyword research to finding duplicate content. Hopefully, there will be tools here which will be of benefit to you.

从阅读这篇文章可以看出,有很多有用的,免费的网站管理员SEO工具。 他们可以提供从网站分析到关键字研究到查找重复内容的所有帮助。 希望这里会有工具,对您有好处。

If you are thinking of setting up a website, check out our range of hosting services. We offer highly secure hosting with guaranteed uptime and 24/7 technical support, all at affordable prices. For more information check out our shared hosting packagesbusiness plans and dedicated WordPress hosting packages.

如果您想建立一个网站,请查看我们的托管服务范围。 我们以可承受的价格提供高度安全的托管服务,并保证正常运行时间和24/7技术支持。 有关更多信息,请查看我们的共享托管包业务计划和专用WordPress托管包。

