2004年12月19日 星期六,妈妈去澳门玩,带上了调皮的我。到了澳门,妈妈突然想起了澳门胱械陌前苡忻狄胰コ裕谑俏以诔嫡咀狭3号公共汽车,一开始,我很开心,可过了不一会儿,我的眼睛开始打架了——不知不觉睡着了,但是正当我睡得正香的时候,听到妈妈说:“快起来,到站了。”于是我慢悠悠地下了车。 我们来到了吃猪扒包的店,哗,人真多,真是人山人海啊!买猪扒包的人在排队,排成了一条人龙,还好还有猪扒面吃,而且不用排队,于是我们叫了两碗一样大小的猪扒面,不一会,面来了,哗,好大块猪扒啊!我们便大口大口地吃了起来,好像几年没吃过饭似的,啊!真是香甜可口,好好吃呀!这时我心想:“啊。妈妈对我真好啊!”不一会,我们把猪扒面吃完了,脸上露出了幸福的笑容。


finally, my mother said, “if we come here from such a long distance, if we don’t take something back, it’s too bad. i must take some pork chop bags back.” so my mother lined up behind the dragon. alas, it’s been a long time. we’ve been queuing for half an hour and finally bought three pork bags. although we waited so long, we were not impatient because the people here are very polite and well behaved. we should learn from them. oh, by the way, when we went home by car, i gave it back to an old lady give up your seat.


i’m so happy today! pork chop noodles are delicious. i will ask my mother to take me to eat more.